Friday, February 5, 2010

Are You Bona Fide?

Remember the movie, O'Brother Where Art Thou? The ex-wife of the George Clooney's character referred to her new fiancee as "bona fide." Defined in the Merrium-Webster online dictionary, it means sincere, genuine, authentic, honest, sincere, true and so on. I think time and society may have lost their regard for bona fides!

Persons held in high regard by a large part of society today are sports heroes, movie stars, politicians and some news reporters. It doesn't seem to matter if the sports heroes take steroids or suck on a bong, if the movie stars are adulterers or wife beaters, if the politicians purse their personal agendas rather than the will of the people or if news reporters constantly bias their reporting to support their political leanings. I don't know about you, but I can't identify many people in these professions that are bona fide!

My definition of bona fide is simply behaving ethically! Behaving ethically is treating others as we'd like to be treated and not satisfying our personal desires through fraud or deception. Behaving ethically is living every aspect of one's life with the highest level of integrity, even if no one is watching! Be bona fide!

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