Sunday, October 10, 2010

Are You Ready?

Watching a few minutes of television commercials during this election season quickly illustrates the state of our nation. While the economic condition of the United States is in great jeopardy, it is not the most important issue before us. The moral depravity of our leadership is the most important issue.

Political ads fill most available advertising spots on television and radio. Newspaper, magazine and internet advertising is dominated by politicians being responsible for this or that. Unfortunately, the only thing they are not responsible for it their ethical behavior!

These media ads are filled with half-truths, sound bites taken out of context, innuendos and out right lies! All this to gain our favor! Even when one is caught in a blatant lie, the spin is "I'm sorry I misspoke on several occasions. I didn't mean to say ________ and it has nothing to do with my character or ability to carry out my responsibilities." Somehow the word "misspoke" has become the acceptable way to say "I lied!"

Political agendas can no longer be evaluated based on what a politician says. Actually, the opposite has become true. What they don't say is more likely the truth!

So, where does this leave you and I? When people are calling evil good and good evil, how are we to know who to believe? Only one way is possible and it's not our belief system, our experiences or our preferences. It is God's standards and guidelines presented in the Holy Bible.

This continual best-selling Book contains the only time-enduring truth. It is the operation manual for mankind. Not a Word has ever been proven wrong! Supported by the works of historians, archeologists and even skeptics, it is the inspired Word of God.

Any behavior or speech that does not line up with the Word of God is based on a lie, no matter whether it is from a politician, minister, business leader or from you or me! It is only when we read, study and meditate on Biblical Scriptures that we can know the truth.

Only by knowing the Truth can we truly be free to live our lives ethically, morally and be an example for others to follow. We don't have to be perfect, no one is. We simply have to know God and His plan for our lives. That plan was demonstrated by His Son, Jesus Christ. There is no other Way!

Spiritual darkness is covering the earth. The Bible tells us the Light in us will push back and even change the darkness around us. Christ in us is the Light and our Hope of Glory, even in the midst of the depravity of these times. In the Old Testament of the Bible we can read about how God sheltered His people during the plagues of Egypt. He has promised to do so again for people that believe and trust His Son, Jesus Christ.

So I ask again, are you ready?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Who Do You Trust?

As chaos erupts around the world, as the economy teeters on the brink of collapse, as politicians try to win favor with only their words, and as spiritual darkness permeates every sector of society, who can be trusted? How can we know who is deserving of our trust? We'll briefly explore these issues in this blog.

Webster's New World Dictionary defines trust:

"Firm belief or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc. of another person or thing; faith; reliance."

A starting point for this discussion would be to ask is a person "trustworthy." Applying Webster's definition would indicate that persons are trustworthy when they are honest, have integrity and are reliable. Most of us would agree this means that a person will tell the truth, not just most of the time but all the time. It would mean the person demonstrates integrity by what they say and do. It would mean one could rely on what a person says because they say what they mean and mean what they say! To shorten the thought, we can know whether a person is trustworthy by the demonstration of their character.

If one purchases a bottle of water that is certified to be 99.44% spring water and .56% sewage, would it be considered drinkable? Certainly not! Yet our evaluation of the character of politicians, business leaders and even church leaders doesn't seem to be affected if they "spin" the truth, if what they do is primarily for the purpose of enriching or aggrandizing themselves or if it is primarily for the purpose of accomplishing their political or personal agenda.

One might question at this point whether anyone can be considered trustworthy. No human being is perfect and most of us realize that perfection is not a mark of character. Character emanates from within, i.e., whatever is in our heart. Our personal experiences, desires, motives and beliefs shape our character. Our character usually changes throughout life, for better or for worse!

The Holy Bible, in Proverbs 4:23 and 4:24, says:

"Keep (guard) your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you."

I could interpret this verse as, "Keep honesty, integrity and good character in your heart. Don't deviate from these things, no matter what the cost. Don't speak false, deceitful words or half-truths because they will fill your heart and diminish your character."

1 Timothy 4:1 and 4:2 supports these truths. "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron..."

So, here's the bottom line. The character of man is demonstrated by what he/she does and says. Trust can be earned in this way or the true nature of a person can be revealed. The character of a person should tell us if they are trustworthy. Only a fool would place trust in a person that is not trustworthy! Who do you trust?

Friday, August 6, 2010

From Unethical to Evil to Death--the State of our Nation

I've resisted being direct in my previous blogs about the state of our nation. What is happening now is the fruit of decades of leadership that has managed our government by the politicians for the politicians. The corruption of power has divided this nation and prepared it for an imminent fall. It is time for you and I to be heard. Darkness is covering our nation. It's leadership has embarked on a path of destruction.

Ethics have been replaced by every man (party!) doing what it thinks right in its own eyes. The party line has become the gospel. Lies have been told so long they are accepted as the truth. Good has become evil and evil has become good.

I'm reminded of the people and leadership in Germany before World War II. A significant majority of the people knew nothing of the anti-Semitic plans and activities of the government. Their leader was charismatic, non-traditional and a powerful orator. Like the frog in a pan of water on the stove, the people of Germany didn't even notice the temperature rising until the water was boiling...and then it was too late! Government cannot be our god!

Behavior that is unethical has become acceptable. More than that, it has become the norm! Leading up to mid-term elections, the primary campaigning should be enough to wake us up! Saying what appears to be most expedient in disparaging a competitor is the least of the unethical practices. Blatant lies, half truths and innuendos in advertisements have sunk to the lowest level of depravity. But, never mind, this is the way we do it. The water gets hotter!

We are being governed by a president, a speaker of the house and a leader of the senate that disdains, if not hates, our nation. Disregard for the will of the people and the basic economics of government, and focusing entirely on achieving political and personal agendas, has set the stage for collapse. It is obvious to most of us that we can't run our businesses or our personal finances by continually spending many times what we earn simply by borrowing more money. Disaster awaits! Current leadership is perfecting the plan of decades that is leading to the destruction of our nation!

I'm not an alarmist but I am a contrarian (thinking contrary to the majority). My profession is auditing and I was trained to look beyond the surface of things. We call it professional skepticism. This is how auditors identify frauds! When the column of numbers don't add up, there is something wrong. Our nation's numbers don't add up! We can't print enough money, borrow enough money or increase taxes enough to pay the interest on the ballooning national debt, let alone its principal. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die?

A perfect storm has begun! We must awake from our sleep and begin talking about the evil of our nation's leaders that is perpetrating fraud on the American people! In our circles of influences, we must speak and demonstrate our abhorrence of the evil that is overshadowing us. Most of all, we must pray!

2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Please send a link to this blog to everyone on your contact list. It's time our voices are heard!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The New National Pastime--Blame Shifting!

If you don't believe the headliner, just watch a watch a news show, read a newspaper or surf the Internet. President Obama blames republicans for slowing up the recovery. Today, Vice-President Biden blamed the Bush administration again for the economic mess in our nation. Press Secretary Gibbs and the current administration blames FOX News for presenting unbalanced reports. State politicians competing in the primary each blame the others for taking money from big oil, banks and others. In an interview on NBC, Matt Laur questioned who to blame for the false accusation of racism against an agriculture department employee. A news reporter on HLN today posted a storyline, "Who is to blame for childhood obesity." A man who smoked too much and got cancer, sued the tobacco company for making cigarettes...and won! On and on, ad nauseum!

When we are accused of wrong, many of our first thoughts are often about blaming someone else. Why do we shift the blame? The answer is simple. We want others to be accountable so we don't have to be! When we blame others, we believe our shortcomings are less likely to be exposed. We don't have to change our behavior when others are made suspect. We can accomplish our agenda easier when we tear down others' agendas. It's easy to criticize and blame. It's hard to take responsibility. We think blame shifting can help us get ahead; instead it actually reveals one's cowardice and fear. Blame-shifting is the trademark for a victim mentality and the behavior of a weakling!

On the other hand, a good leader is accountable for his/her actions and takes responsibility for his/her own mistakes. The career of a leader is not built on blame but on accomplishment. The actions of a leader are not based on deception but on high integrity and good ethical behavior. Success for a leader is not based on pre-designed, empty words but on honesty, hard work, encouragement of others and sacrifices. A good leader has committed followers of like kind, not shallow, self-centered, blame-shifting weaklings.

Governments, businesses and individuals that build at the expense of others create glass houses. What we sow, we reap many times over. What do you want from life? Isn't it time for a new ball-game?

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Death of the Human Trust Factor

Have you heard the old saying, "he spits whichever way the wind is blowing?" Well, maybe you didn't hear those exact words but got the meaning anyway. A person can't be trusted because he/she changes their opinions or beliefs whenever it benefits them personally. There is no trust factor with such a double-minded person.

Webster says trust is a "firm belief or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc., of another person or thing." So, who can we trust? A political administration such as the one we have today? Big business and Wall Street? The media? Movie stars? Sports heroes? I'm sad to say, I can't name one person from these arenas I could trust.

Situational ethics and relativism has brought our nation into gross darkness. Good is being called evil and evil good! Leadership is devious and crafty, out for its own. Most of society follows. Speak the truth to the contrary and be ostracized. In the death of the human trust factor, can there be hope?

Isaiah 60:2 has the answer: "For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you." Human trust factors will die but the Lord Jesus Christ is the same forever! He will never violate our trust. Christ in us is the hope of glory, even in the midst of the darkness of this age. We can have His kind of life; all we have to do is ask!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Are Your Words Worth?

We make vows when we marry. Politicians take oaths of office. We swear to tell the truth when giving testimony. We make commitments and promises with our words. What are your words worth?

In our society, words seem only important in the circumstances in which they are uttered. Whether it's big business or big government, most words are disingenuous. Many are intended to deceive and mislead. Most are for the purpose of promoting the agendas of the utterer.

In considering membership in a church recently, I was asked to sign a "covenant" of words with the leadership that was basically a commitment to submission. While presented as protection for members, this was a thinly veiled attempt to control behavior of a congregation, all in the name of what's right. Words that may appear appropriate, often aren't!

Our president and his administration use words to promote their agendas, which often are not so carefully veiled! Words, however, can deflect attention and criticism and make it seem appropriate actions are being taken when they really aren't. Words can be used for good and for evil, by anyone!

So, the question is, "How do we judge the veracity of words, others and ours? There is only one absolute standard, God's Word in the Holy Bible. A book that many have tried to destroy, that many don't believe, contains the only standard for truth. Stories of individuals setting out to disprove the contents of the Bible abound. Most have ended up believing because true words have power!

God spoke the world and mankind into existence by His Word! He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins so we could be connected with Him, with His love and power. When we confess Jesus as Lord with our words, and believe in our heart He died to make us righteous, we become part of God's family. Now we can speak words of truth that have power. We can pray words that will change our lives and the lives of others. In Jesus Christ, our words will echo into eternity! They have worth far beyond our understanding! What are your words worth?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Have We Become a Nation of Accusers?

Most of us would quickly answer this question "yes." Whether it is big business, big government, big politics, big media or just big egos, it seems the way to the top in any endeavor is through accusation. Even an answer to this question sounds like an accusation!

To accuse, Webster says, is to find fault or blame, or to bring charges against for doing wrong. Obviously, without accusation there could be no system of jurisprudence. When laws are broken, accusations are in order! Beyond the law, what determines an appropriate accusation (if there is such a thing!)?

Back to our definition, accusation is based on wrong doing. Wrong doing in politics has become any thought or action contrary to a party line. In our personal lives, it is often the belief systems of others that differ from ours. The real question is, do these circumstances justify finding fault, blaming or charging others with wrong.

When a law is broken, a person adjudicates the violation; this person is called a judge. Our constitution established the judicial branch to interpret laws. What happens when there is no appointed judge?

When there is no appointed judge, every man does what is right in his own eyes. We become the accuser and the judge!

In America, much of public life is built on the principle of accusation. A way to avoid being accountable for our own shortcomings is to accuse others. Our president, congressional leaders, heads of business and even religious leaders have become masters of this principle to little beneficial end.

The Bible says we are to encourage one another, to bear the burdens of others and even to love our enemies! Why do you suppose? Could it be that unity brings success, even power over opposition? I struggle to do my part. How about you?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What You Believe Will Come to Pass!

I remember a story about a woman that didn't go to a dentist for most of her life because she feared she'd die in the chair. When most of her teeth had decayed and fallen out she couldn't stand the pain, she went for help. She died in the chair!

Another woman grew up with an abusive, alcoholic father. She vowed she would never marry a man like her father. After three marriages to non-alcoholic men, each became alcoholic and treated her like her father did. Counseling later revealed that, in her heart, she believed all men were like her father.

Good or bad, what we believe in our hearts drive our thoughts and actions. Believe a lie and it becomes our truth! Believe the truth and it becomes reality.

Even most physicists recognize this phenomenon. Quantum physics principles hold that we all are a part of a whole. What we believe and do affects ourselves and the universe. A basic principle of the Bible is faith. What you believe is what you get!

If this is true, then we have a choice. If I can believe what God says about me rather than what my bad experiences have taught me, I can succeed in any thing I do. I can succeed in life! What do you believe?

The Making of a Warrior

Jim Chosa, a Crow Indian by marriage, has written a chronology on how the Crow Tribe grooms male children to become warriors. Here is what I remember.

The story begins with a 5 year old boy sleeping with his parents in a tent one cold, snowy morning. The boy awakes as someone grabs his ankle and begins to drag him through the snow towards the river. The boy next feels his body catapulting through the air, landing in the river and the beginning of his battle for survival!

Training their young boys to be warriors meant survival for a Crow family and their tribe. The family hired the best warrior they could find as a mentor for their son. The boy was taught skills for survival, for battle and for living a humble, others-centered life.

Around the age of 13, he was sent into the wilderness with no food, no clothes and no weapons on his "quest." Instructed to lay face down in a clearing, he could not move until he received his "vision" from the Great Spirit. Even when approached by a bear or mountain lion, he was forbidden to move but, instead, to trust a power higher than himself. Only after successfully completing this experience could the young warrior begin to pursue his calling.

When he was ready, he was permitted to accompany his mentor into battle. Only when he had proven his abilities, and when he had learned to delight in his purpose, was he permitted to enter the battle alone.

When he was victorious in his first hand-to-hand conflict, a coup they called it, he was awarded a feather for his head band. Surrounded by family and friends, he learned how to share his victory humbly and to appreciate those that "stayed with the stuff!"

The Crow don't train warriors any more and some of their men will tell you they've lost their purpose. Each of us has been created for a unique purpose. Like the Crow warrior, our life experiences have been our training. I'll be 68 soon and finally began to realize my life purpose! I'm delighting in it! It's never too late.

How about you? Have you found your purpose? There is a warrior inside of you!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Becoming Who We Are

Like most of us, my personal goal in life has been to be better when I finish than when I started. I've told my seminar participants many times that instead of a detailed life plan, my desire is just to keep my learning curve up. Actually, I want to keep obtaining knowledge that can be applied to business and life circumstances. Through this process my hope is that I continue to grow in wisdom and character.

As noble as this may sound, without understanding of who and what I am it is doubtful I will end up where I'm supposed to be. It's a little like driving my car as I get older; taking my eyes off the road for just a few seconds can quickly take me where I'm looking! Each of us has a special destiny that can only be obtained if we know where we are going. Understanding who we are is a key to getting to where we are going!

Who am I? Here is my brief synopsis. I have a body, a soul (a mind, will and emotions) and a spirit (a conscience and intuition). My mind has a brain which translates thoughts into action through my body. My soul accumulates life experiences which produces thoughts patterned after those experiences. My spirit checks the behavior of my soul when my thoughts and actions are not good by making me feel guilty. The combination of my soul and spirit becomes my heart, or my center from which all thought, emotions, behavior and actions emanate. I've got all this equipment so I must have purpose! I mean, I'm already something so what am I to become?

Many of us are continually trying to change because we don't like who we are. Sometimes we don't even like other people when they are like we are! If we are trying to change ourselves, it begs the question, "Who are we supposed to be?"

We often work so hard trying to find what we are to do that we sometimes don't get around to finding out who we are supposed to be or to become. I worked 60-70 hours a week for most of my career trying to become something, to find my way to the top of the pile so to speak. It only got me tired! Only when I stopped trying to do did I begin to be!

Careful! I'm not advocating taking up space on a park bench for years to explore the mysteries of the universe in our minds. I'm simply saying that when we spend our daily lives operating at warp speed, we can miss the signposts leading us to who we are to become. It's been said that we were created as human beings, not human doings!

So, how can we find our way to who we should become? For me, it is an ongoing process of separating myself from the thinking and reasoning that continually goes on in my mind, at least for brief periods of time. A life pattern for me, my mind rarely can be turned off. I'm constantly planning, mulling over past events or thinking about what I'm going to do. As most will agree, our business and personal lives must include a certain amount of these activities. The problem surfaces, however, when we are consumed and controlled by the activities of our minds. Our minds often control us instead of us using our minds to accomplish our purposes!

As I shared in the opening paragraph, scientists, theologians, and most religious doctrines agree that we are three part beings. We have a body, a soul and an inner being. Our bodies and souls are connected to the world around us; our inner being is connected to something else (for me it's God). If I've learned anything by living, it's that lasting change must begin on the inside. I can make changes in my behavior and actions in my mind but life's pressures often destroy my good intentions. One person shared, "We're like a tube of toothpaste. When we're squeezed, what's on the inside comes out!"

Here's what some of us have learned: we are helpless to change the things in our hearts. We can make changes in our behavior, but it is rare for those changes to last for a lifetime. Whether it's getting angry at an incompetent store clerk, impatient with a client, irritated at a family member or worse things, I sometimes don't do a good job of controlling my reactions. I want to be free of the offense that rises up in me to react rationally and in a way that will benefit others. Controlling my reactions caused by hurts and wounds deep in my heart is impossible for me. The good news is that it's not impossible for God! What do you think?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Got Respect?

I remember a sound bite from a Rodney Dangerfield monologue that went something like, "I ain't got no respect." Most of us desire respect and recognition from others. Often in our society, we're looking for recognition for what we do. Not many will admit this but our achievements are often more for our own benefit than they are for the benefit of those we serve, like our employers, clients, family and friends. Wanting to achieve isn't wrong, but there is more to the story.

When I started my career, my objective was to be the best at what I did. Throughout the years, I always worked to be number one although I failed many times. I wanted to be recognized for what I achieved. Although I didn't realize it at the time, my desire to achieve came from a source of low self-esteem and deep feelings of inadequacy. Achievement was for my benefit, mine alone.

Only in my later years did I realize that real achievement comes from serving others well. When we lay aside our human needs for recognition and respect and focus on serving others in our work and personal lives, we get respect for who we are, not just what we do.

I've often observed the crew of the garbage truck that serves our home. When temperatures are freezing, they ride on the back of that truck and eagerly pick up my trash. In sweltering heat, they carefully pick up each piece of garbage that accidentally falls to the ground. If I forget to put the garbage out, they cheerfully ring my doorbell and remind me. I have great respect for who these men are!

Now it's time for some introspection. Here are some questions that are key to getting respect from others. Try to answer these questions as honestly as you can:

1. When other people tell you about what they're doing in their work or personal lives, are you more interested in their circumstances or yours? 2. When your serve others, is your focus more on what you get out of it or on how your service benefits them? 3. In your work, your church projects or chatting with a neighbor over the fence, are you concerned more about them or about you? 4. Do you spend more time thinking about yourself than about others? 5. When visiting with co-workers, family or friends, do you spend more time talking about yourself than you do listening to them? 6. When trying to get others to change bad behavior, do you see things from their point of view or do you throw the book of rules at them? 7. Do you consider yourself better than others?

I don't know about you, but I have a long way to go! If you dare, post a comment and tell readers how you did!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Good Humor Man

When I was a kid, the ice cream truck would drive through our neighborhood several time each summer day. The driver was called "The Good Humor Man." I don't ever remember being sad when I gave him my nickel for ice cream on a stick! The Good Humor Man made me smile.

The man in the ice cream truck didn't do much to get me to smile, just drive by and take my nickel. He didn't tell me funny stories, try to get me to laugh or even laugh himself. By his presence and by providing something I liked very much, he brought joy to my life.

Good humor, joy, prevents hardening of the arteries so to speak. Joy brings life to our mind, to our will and to our emotions, especially in hard times.

That ice cream on a stick brought me joy but it disappeared quickly. After a few minutes savoring the ice cream, I had to begin looking for other things to bring me joy, or at least what I thought was joy. A new bike, cap pistols, candy and other things were on my list.

As I grew older I continued to search for things that made me happy. Alcohol, work and fleeting affairs replaced the ice cream on a stick. But like the ice cream, the joy I thought they brought disappeared quickly.

When I was 45, I finally realized there was only one sure source of joy in my life, His name is Jesus Christ. Don't get me wrong, life didn't suddenly turn into a rose garden! Like a small child, I had to learn how to tap into the resources we can have in Him. I'm still learning but I know we can have joy unspeakable that is everlasting! We can have good humor by One Man and it doesn't cost a nickel!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How Do You "Know?"

In my last blog, I wrote about our propensity to be right, even at the cost of lying and deceiving others. Today we'll drill a little deeper; we'll focus on why some of us can't help ourselves!

The key can be found in the word "perceive." The American Dictionary of the English Language (Webster's 1828 Edition) offers these definitions: "To know; to understand; to observe" and "To have knowledge or receive impressions of external objects through the medium or instrumentality of the senses or bodily organs." The underlying question is how do we "know" something?

Scientific studies have shown our senses filter through our brains. Smells, tastes, sounds often trigger memories of past events in our lives. Our brains store information that, when remembered, can direct the actions of our bodies as well as our emotions. Interestingly, The Heart Math Institute has conducted scientific studies that show our hearts have certain memory capabilities that may be comparable to our brains! In fact, some of their studies have shown the heart is the primary organ controlling our actions and reactions. If we can accept this research, we realize we can "know" in our minds and "know" in our hearts.

So, to the root of the problem. We can easily access our minds for the information stored in our brains. Only a small percentage of mankind can perceive what is in their hearts. The result is we rely mostly on the information stored in our minds to conduct our lives. This information is "what we believe." Unfortunately, we think what we believe in our minds is who we are and it becomes our identity. As human beings, we will defend our identity (our belief systems) at any cost, even lying and deceiving others. When we "have made our minds up" we are no longer open to hearing new information and to sensing our heart reactions.

When we operate out of only what we know in our minds, we are simply "carnal man." Webster defines carnal as being in the natural state, unregenerate, lecherous, lustful and given to sensual indulgence. What we think is right in our minds may not be! The only truth is what we can find in our hearts where we can hear the still, small voice of God. In an old New Jerusalem Translation of the Bible, Proverbs 3:5-8 states it this way: "Trust wholeheartedly in Yahweh, put no faith in your own perception; in every course you take, have him in mind: he will see that your paths are smooth."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are We Becoming a Nation of Liars and Deceivers?

I'm fed up with the politics of compromise, deal-making, party agendas, hypocrisy, lies and deception. The art of politics has become never answering "yes" or "no" to a question. Party lines have divided this country and each of us, our children and grandchildren will pay financially, morally and socially...unless our "blinders" are removed.

I think it was Hitler who said, "Tell a lie long enough and the people will believe it as the truth." Sad to say, but the perceptions of many people of this nation has become their truth. Politicians, business leaders, news reporters, ministers, blue collar workers and, yes, even you and me, have made our perceptions our god.

Attending a church that split years ago, I witnessed the offense of the senior pastor produce lies about the circumstances in his later books. He believed his perception to be truth. He has no pulpit now.

I observed the president of a developing company nearly destroy it because he perceived anyone with different perceptions to be his enemy. His life became a lie. His bad life experiences were his truth and he feared that these experiences would be repeated. What he greatly feared has now come upon him and he is about to lose that which he created.

CEOs of investment funds, state attorney generals, senators and members of congress, pastors of large churches, White House press secretaries, presidents, treasury secretaries have lied and deceived the public. For some, there appear to be no consequences on earth; for others there are.

But it's easy to be "the pot calling the kettle black." It's easy for me to defend my perceptions by pointing at the faults of others. The question I have to ask frequently of myself is "What is my reason for offense?" Is it about me or them? My reasons should be more about the future and well-being of others than about my being offended by their behavior. My motives should be to see their lives changed for the better, not my being right.

A few minutes ago, I received a call from someone about an old situation in which I confronted a liar and deceiver. I realized I had given up on the person's behavior ever changing and that I just wanted him punished! Here's the truth: God's ways are not ours! He has made a way for the worst to be made clean through Jesus Christ! After all, He saved a wretch like me!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why Can't I Do What I Want To Do?

Don't you want to be better person? I don't mean that we're bad people, but that we desire to grow and develop our character. Do you like who you are? I like me a lot more now than I did 40 years ago! Do you have a list of things you'd like changed? Here are a few of mine:

  • I can still get angry when offended. Clear thinking doesn't result from anger! I'd like to rise above anger.
  • I don't like traditional approaches to anything. Maybe because I'm an auditor, or because of my rigid upbringing, I challenge everything. I'd like to be able to accept some things.
  • My love and respect for others is conditional. Behave badly and I'll judge you. I have no right to do that. Hurt me and I want to hurt you back.
  • Justify yourself like I used to, or like how I still want to, and I can tell you what's wrong with your life! That's called pride.
  • I can't identify very well with the needs of others. I have a mental understanding but I don't often feel much empathy. I'd like to put the needs of others first.

And that's not the bad stuff! Sometimes, the harder we work to change the way we are the harder it gets! The reason is that while we can modify some of our behavior, changing our hearts by our own strength is impossible! Why? The Apostle Paul laments about this in the Bible, Romans 7:15: "For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do." In vs. 17, he makes a statement many find hard to believe, " is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me."

Sin dwelling in us! Not me! How about you? This is the reason we need a Savior! We can't accomplish lasting changes in our character by our own strength. Change begins on the inside, not the outside. Only Jesus Christ can change our hearts!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are You an Isolationist?

I heard a story this week about a youth (I think she was 13 or 14) that lost her cell phone. As you might expect, she was very upset. While most adults would assume the youth was upset because she couldn't talk to her friends, she complained, "And now I can't text and I have to talk to my friends!"

This story brought back a statement by one of my grandsons while he was being treated for leukemia at age 15. Having lost his hair, which he usually wore very long, he was asked what he looked forward to when the treatment was finished. His answer was that he couldn't wait for his hair to grow long again so it would cover his eyes and he wouldn't have to look at anyone! He said, "When you make eye contact with someone, then you have to talk to them!"

Two boys, I'd say they are 17 or 18, use the running track at the the YMCA when my wife and I go for walks. Seeing one of them there for several weeks, we began to look at them in hopes of exchanging a smile. Passing within inches of them, neither would raise their eyes to look at us. Two other men that frequent the running track spend a great deal of time warming up for their run. I've made eye contact and smiled at them both only to watch them look away.

Walking through the streets of New York City on work assignments for many years, I've concluded it is a miracle when someone there makes eye contact! Walking in protective cocoons seems to be the norm. Understandably, there are reasons to protect one's self, in large cities and in small ones. I'm not sure, however, there are justifiable reasons to isolate ourselves from human interaction.

I realize this is the age of social networking on the internet. Facebook, You Tube, Twitter and a hundred other sites provide opportunities to be social. Internet dating sites allow people the opportunity to exchange information, exchange emails, and be social, all without first speaking to the other person face-to-face. This is how I see it. Technology has brought us ways to be alone in the midst of millions of people!

Admittedly, I'm not the most social person in the world. I think I was born an accountant. I'm good at putting my head down and turning out the work. I'm a good live seminar and webcast speaker because I've learned how to communicate effectively. I'm a good trainor because I've spent decades working in the trenches. Except for a few gatherings of long-time friends, I'd just as soon spend the evening in my easy chair.

Socializing face to face is work for me. For 17 years of my adult life, I was single and traveled 300 plus days a year. Essentially, I lived alone, in isolation. My contacts were always temporary. I did what I wanted when I wanted. I was free to live and do as I pleased. Much of society would applaud this as success today! I was miserable! I was so isolated, I'd go to a bar or the grocery store so I could at least be alone with people around me! This was not life, and I had to learn it the hard way!

I remember a verse of an old song, "People who need people are the most wonderful people in the world." Well, guess what! We need people, we need relationships, the face-to-face kind. All the internet sites that provide contacts with old and new friends are good, but there is more. Life is exchanged in groups and one-t0-one personal contact, even if we don't like some of the people!

So, where do you stand? Alone, aloof, apart? Or do you look into people's eyeballs and seek personal interaction? Even us old accountants need relationships! How about you?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Are You Grace-Full?

What does the word mean? From the 1828 Edition of Webster's Dictionary, grace is defined as a blessing, gratuity, unmerited love and favor, privilege and virtue. The Latin word is Gratia, as in gratis or gratuity. Some say Grace before meals to thank their provider for their blessings. It's pretty clear; grace is something we give to someone, a gift. Interestingly, the Greek word for grace is "Charis" which means "gift."

So, if we are "grace-full" it must mean we are filled up with the ability to give grace to others. Sometimes, I'm not very graceful. If you've read some of my previous blogs, you already know that! When things are going my way I can be graceful. When I'm around people I like I'm graceful. There are other times I'm not. Here are a few examples of those circumstances:

  • A corporate entity that values it profits more than its customers. A recent visit to a corporate dental group assigned to me under my insurance plan is an example. Their "corporate policy" required me to undergo a series of expensive unnecessary services. I was told that if I didn't subject myself to these procedures they wouldn't serve me in the future! I don't have grace for people and organizations that try to increase their profits at my expense.
  • Religious leaders that build their fortunes by deception. A friend told me a story of attending a retirement party for an elderly preacher. My friend asked the preacher if he would do anything different given the chance to redo his career. The preacher said, "Yes, I'd get me a white linen suit, arrange a series of religious meetings and tell the participants that God told me to tell them to give me all their money!" Enough said.
  • People with a victim mentality that blame others for their problems. Refusing to take responsibility for their mistakes, bad decisions or inappropriate behavior and, instead, blaming family, friends, employers and others for their misfortunes are the character traits of victims. I was one for many years of my life. I blamed my mother, father, bosses and anyone else I could find for my failures and anger. I minimized my inappropriate behavior and magnified the bad behavior of others. I judged others by their actions but wanted people to judge me by my intentions. I hate seeing me in others!

Many of our life experiences have filled our hearts with wounds and hurts. We can offer human grace to a certain depth of our hearts but then we hit the rocks at the bottom! We can't be grace-full on our own strength. If we could, this planet would be filled with peace, harmony and love.

The Bible says Jesus came filled with grace and truth. His grace-full death on the cross was his "Charis" (gift) to all mankind. Only when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, can we access His grace and become supernaturally grace-full!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Do You Do When You Are Wronged?

It happens all the time. Someone steps in line in front of you. A co-worker gets favors instead of you. People criticize your lifestyle. Another car cuts you off. From early on my first reaction was to retaliate.

My examples are many. One I remember clearly occurred in an east coast hotel while facilitating a seminar. Wall charts had been created as exercises were completed and hung on the wall for the summary to this five-day seminar. When I left the room one evening late in the week, I wrote a message on a wall chart in big red letters asking the banquets crew to not destroy my charts. Arriving in the room the next morning, you guessed it, my wall charts were gone! Unwilling to control my temper, my tirade started with the hotel manager and finally led to the person that cleaned the room. Shouting accusations of stupidity in the staff persons face, I was stopped short when he responded, "Que, Senior?" Stopped short, I realized he could not read my message written in English.

Anger and retaliation seemed justified to me then. I knew no other way! Changing my ways seem impossible to me. Life had done me wrong and I was ready to take back what had been taken from me. No one would take advantage of me.

Pretty self-centered wasn't I? My hurts and wounds had made me the most important person on earth! Infringe on my rights and you would be held accountable. I'm not sorry for your plight because you likely did it to yourself. Judgment, criticism, and condemnation were my rights! Give someone the benefit of the doubt, you've got to be kidding!

You can guess the end I'm sure. My life was empty and lonely. I literally lost everything of value to me. Bankrupt and alone, I finally realized there was more to life than me! Flying in an airplane on my 45th birthday, I asked someone for help for the first time in my life--his name was Jesus Christ.

The Bible say that Jesus came to us full of grace and truth. Only He can supernaturally impart grace that will set us free. Don't misunderstand, it didn't happen over night. In fact, it's still happening, 23 years later! Only with the supernatural power of His grace received by faith, can we become others-centered and break free of self-centeredness. His grace is His ability that becomes ours when we trust Him.

The Bible says to turn the other cheek when we are wronged. This doesn't mean we have to become whimps! It means that we are to speak the truth with grace and love with the purpose of setting others free from the same burdens we may have carried. Here's the end: With God's supernatural grace in us, our responses to wrongs can be constructive, not destructive! We can live in peace that is beyond our understanding. We can become others-centered!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Are You Bona Fide?

Remember the movie, O'Brother Where Art Thou? The ex-wife of the George Clooney's character referred to her new fiancee as "bona fide." Defined in the Merrium-Webster online dictionary, it means sincere, genuine, authentic, honest, sincere, true and so on. I think time and society may have lost their regard for bona fides!

Persons held in high regard by a large part of society today are sports heroes, movie stars, politicians and some news reporters. It doesn't seem to matter if the sports heroes take steroids or suck on a bong, if the movie stars are adulterers or wife beaters, if the politicians purse their personal agendas rather than the will of the people or if news reporters constantly bias their reporting to support their political leanings. I don't know about you, but I can't identify many people in these professions that are bona fide!

My definition of bona fide is simply behaving ethically! Behaving ethically is treating others as we'd like to be treated and not satisfying our personal desires through fraud or deception. Behaving ethically is living every aspect of one's life with the highest level of integrity, even if no one is watching! Be bona fide!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Can You Detect Unethical Behavior?

Maybe you've watched the crime solving TV program, "Lie to Me." I sometimes chuckle when I watch the lead character peering into the face of suspects as if he can see the truth in the pores of their skin! Yes, I know body language, expressions and gestures can betray the spoken word and there are experts that can discern these circumstances. For many of us, however, detecting unethical or criminal behavior is a little more difficult!

A partner in a CPA firm that attended one of my seminars related this story. The CPA was asked to submit a proposal to audit a larger non-profit organization in his community. The CPA arranged an initial meeting with the executive director to discuss the organization, its accounting and internal control systems and to obtain financial information. After the meeting, the CPA shared that he couldn't point to anything specific but had a bad feeling about the director. Recognizing this could be either his intuition or too much pizza for lunch, the CPA invited the director to play golf with his foursome Saturday. Upon completing the round, the CPA told the director he would not be submitting an audit proposal. His reason? The director cheated on his score on every hole of the golf course!

The CPA shared he had witnessed a character flaw in an individual that is often a symptom of a greater problem. About a year later the director's name appeared in newspaper headlines because he had embezzled funds from the non-profit organization! A good call I'd say!

I'm an old auditor and would be the last to say our best means of detecting unethical behavior is our intuition. But I would say that we honor our intuition far too little in our relationships with others. Unethical behavior is a fruit of a deeper root. The fruit is usually obvious if we pay attention!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words?

Before we were married, my wife thought I was a "straight-laced CPA." Probably, because I was! Well after all, I'm a CPA and have a professional image to maintain, or so I reasoned. She has said that even when I have fun, it's work. She's right. My upbringing taught me how to perform to get accolades and avoid criticism.

While I have grown some, I still have to make sure what I do isn't performance to get "attaboys," or to sway the opinions of others. The truth is that most of us perform some. Others are affected by our performance, at least for a little while. Eventually, however, hidden things will be revealed. Maybe I should say the hidden "self" will be revealed. My self-serving purposes will eventually become evident when what I do and say doesn't align with what's in my heart. In other words, I can only survive doing and saying good for a short time if I'm faking it. In some way, the truth will come out because my actions speak louder than my words!

If you are a parent and make a promise to your child, you better make it good. If you are a businessman that tells employees your primary objective is to help them accomplish theirs, you better make sure you share your profits. If you are a pastor that tells a congregation your goal is to help them live a better life, occasionally you should consider passing the offering plate and telling them to take something out! If you are a politician that insists serving the needs of constituents is the primary purpose of holding office, your actions better back up your words.

Here's the bottom line. Words are empty unless they come from one's heart and are backed by unselfish actions. When we're not genuine in our words or actions, others will know it!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why Is There Such Death and Destruction in Haiti?

I can barely stand watching the news reports of the devastation in Haiti. My heart, like yours I'm sure, breaks with the images of the injured and the dying. Children without their parents or a home may be the worst part. Like other natural disasters, life as usual is changed in an instant. Business doesn't matter. Ethical behavior doesn't matter. Our 401K doesn't matter. Plans for the future don't matter. Only survival does!

Like many of us, you may be asking why. Why did this happen to one of the poorest nations on earth? Why did people that had almost nothing lose even that? Why the death and devastation? Some would answer and say those faults have been under that city for centuries. True, but the destruction came now. Some would say that it is the judgment of God on the sin, on the devil worship and on the lawlessness that has reigned in that nation. This also may be true but these evils are embedded in the history of the nation. Still others would say it is chance. Volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, droughts and other natural disasters are occurring more frequently around the world, and it's probably not chance!

Whether or not one believes in God, we must understand that the earth has a timetable. Nostradamus thought so. The Mayans thought so. Even science thinks so! As we are busy living life, however, we don't want to think so! If we don't think about it, we don't have to deal with some difficult issues. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going when I leave the earth? It's pretty easy to think that we just stop, or that we go into the light, or that we become angels or that this life is all there is. I hope you know that none of this kind of reasoning is truth.

Natural laws have been established on this earth. We're familiar with gravity, thermodynamics, physics, planting and harvesting and so on. The natural law we like to ignore, however, is that sin has consequences! Collective sin has even greater consequences! If you don't believe me, you need to read a publication that has been proven accurate by historians, archeologists, lawyers and many others...the Holy Bible.

The consequences of sin will be reaped on earth or in the "after life." To die is to leave this earth for an eternal destiny, either heaven or hell. We don't get a chance to choose after the earthquake hits! But, we can choose now! Jesus' recorded words in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Jesus is the only savior that died to pay the price for our sin. When we ask him in prayer to be our Lord and Savior, and believe in our hearts that God raised Him form the dead, we will be saved! He will forgive our sin and make the way for us to be filled with His righteousness and love! Are you ready for what might happen on earth tomorrow, or even in the next few minutes? Make your choice now!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why Can't Christians Say What They Believe?

In the past couple of weeks, many news reports and commentators' opinions have had a spot on Tiger Woods' reported sex addiction. Many of the commentators expressed their opinion about what he should do to overcome the scandal and the addiction.

On Fox News a couple of days ago, Brit Hume voiced his opinion about what Tiger Woods should do to get set free of his reported sex addiction and to get on with his career. To paraphrase, he said that Tiger Wood's professed faith in Buddhism couldn't set him free and the only religion that had that capability was Christianity through faith in Jesus Christ. He used "that name" and the media came unglued. Paraphrasing the responses, Brit Hume is a reprehensible, unprofessional, indiscriminate commentator. I wonder if the outcry would have been as loud if he had suggested Tiger Woods read the Koran and pray several time during the day!

Keith Oberman argued the news media shouldn't be a platform for proselytizing. Wikipedia's definition of Proselytizing is the act of attempting to convert people to another opinion and, particularly, another religion. Like every other commentator that has weighed in on this scandal, Brit Hume expressed his opinion. If he was proselytizing, my opinion is that they all were!

So, why can everyone but Christians say what they believe? Specifically, why can't a Christian use the Name of Jesus Christ without causing offense? I posed the question from the standpoint of a Christian because it's acceptable to use His name while calling Him a lunatic or a liar, or while swearing!

Here is my opinion. Jesus Christ, whether people believe in Him or not, holds the power of eternal life and death. He is the absolute source of ethical behavior; He is The Truth. For a non-believer to acknowledge Him as a source of wisdom and as a standard for ethical behavior would be admitting that their belief system could be wrong. Since their belief system is their identity, admitting its possible error could be emotional suicide. Worse yet, it would be admitting that they are accountable to someone and that they can't do and say what they want without retribution. In short, they're afraid they can't practice their religion, secular humanism!

Since Jesus was born, His Name has been hated. The New Testament of the Holy Bible contains historical documentation of this fact. Denial of His existence, criticism of Him and His followers, and legally restricting the speech and actions of Christians doesn't change The Truth. The Words of Christ, the New Testament of the Bible, are the only absolute standards for ethical behavior!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Is Your Resolution?

It's that time again. It's January and New Year's resolutions are the substance of the media one more time. It is reported that some are resolving to lose weight, to quit smoking, to change their lifestyles, to get a better job and so on. For most of us, our resolutions almost always center on ourselves. I can't remember a news reporter interviewing someone that said, "I want to make the world a better place" or "I'm resolving to help others more" or "I'm going to demonstrate love for my neighbor this year."

I'm reading a book by Joyce Meyers called "The Love Revolution." She says that selfishness is behind almost every problem the world faces today. I'd go one step further and say self-centeredness is the primary cause. And why shouldn't it be? It began in the Garden of Eden!

I lived the first 45 years of my life as a "self-made" man. The only thing my lifestyle made was a mess! When my world began to collapse my defense was to blame others for my problems. And why not? Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent! The devil made me do it!

One of my favorite lines from the movie Gladiator was when General Maximus said to his men before a battle, "What you do here today will echo throughout eternity!" We will be accountable to God for the things we do here on earth, whether or not we believe in Him! Self-centeredness in the Garden of Eden brought spiritual death to all mankind throughout eternity. We are mankind!

But there is good news! "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) God first loved us so we could love him...and others! He made the Way in Jesus Christ for us to escape our self-centeredness and to become "others-centered." In the end, the only resolution that will matter is whether we have resolved to love God and one another. This is true ethical behavior! We can become resolute this year and point the Way!