Have you heard the old saying, "he spits whichever way the wind is blowing?" Well, maybe you didn't hear those exact words but got the meaning anyway. A person can't be trusted because he/she changes their opinions or beliefs whenever it benefits them personally. There is no trust factor with such a double-minded person.
Webster says trust is a "firm belief or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc., of another person or thing." So, who can we trust? A political administration such as the one we have today? Big business and Wall Street? The media? Movie stars? Sports heroes? I'm sad to say, I can't name one person from these arenas I could trust.
Situational ethics and relativism has brought our nation into gross darkness. Good is being called evil and evil good! Leadership is devious and crafty, out for its own. Most of society follows. Speak the truth to the contrary and be ostracized. In the death of the human trust factor, can there be hope?
Isaiah 60:2 has the answer: "For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you." Human trust factors will die but the Lord Jesus Christ is the same forever! He will never violate our trust. Christ in us is the hope of glory, even in the midst of the darkness of this age. We can have His kind of life; all we have to do is ask!
A good word for the church today. We need to be reminded of what God's word has to say about the times we are now living in.