I've resisted being direct in my previous blogs about the state of our nation. What is happening now is the fruit of decades of leadership that has managed our government by the politicians for the politicians. The corruption of power has divided this nation and prepared it for an imminent fall. It is time for you and I to be heard. Darkness is covering our nation. It's leadership has embarked on a path of destruction.
Ethics have been replaced by every man (party!) doing what it thinks right in its own eyes. The party line has become the gospel. Lies have been told so long they are accepted as the truth. Good has become evil and evil has become good.
I'm reminded of the people and leadership in Germany before World War II. A significant majority of the people knew nothing of the anti-Semitic plans and activities of the government. Their leader was charismatic, non-traditional and a powerful orator. Like the frog in a pan of water on the stove, the people of Germany didn't even notice the temperature rising until the water was boiling...and then it was too late! Government cannot be our god!
Behavior that is unethical has become acceptable. More than that, it has become the norm! Leading up to mid-term elections, the primary campaigning should be enough to wake us up! Saying what appears to be most expedient in disparaging a competitor is the least of the unethical practices. Blatant lies, half truths and innuendos in advertisements have sunk to the lowest level of depravity. But, never mind, this is the way we do it. The water gets hotter!
We are being governed by a president, a speaker of the house and a leader of the senate that disdains, if not hates, our nation. Disregard for the will of the people and the basic economics of government, and focusing entirely on achieving political and personal agendas, has set the stage for collapse. It is obvious to most of us that we can't run our businesses or our personal finances by continually spending many times what we earn simply by borrowing more money. Disaster awaits! Current leadership is perfecting the plan of decades that is leading to the destruction of our nation!
I'm not an alarmist but I am a contrarian (thinking contrary to the majority). My profession is auditing and I was trained to look beyond the surface of things. We call it professional skepticism. This is how auditors identify frauds! When the column of numbers don't add up, there is something wrong. Our nation's numbers don't add up! We can't print enough money, borrow enough money or increase taxes enough to pay the interest on the ballooning national debt, let alone its principal. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die?
A perfect storm has begun! We must awake from our sleep and begin talking about the evil of our nation's leaders that is perpetrating fraud on the American people! In our circles of influences, we must speak and demonstrate our abhorrence of the evil that is overshadowing us. Most of all, we must pray!
2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
Please send a link to this blog to everyone on your contact list. It's time our voices are heard!
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