Watching a few minutes of television commercials during this election season quickly illustrates the state of our nation. While the economic condition of the United States is in great jeopardy, it is not the most important issue before us. The moral depravity of our leadership is the most important issue.
Political ads fill most available advertising spots on television and radio. Newspaper, magazine and internet advertising is dominated by politicians being responsible for this or that. Unfortunately, the only thing they are not responsible for it their ethical behavior!
These media ads are filled with half-truths, sound bites taken out of context, innuendos and out right lies! All this to gain our favor! Even when one is caught in a blatant lie, the spin is "I'm sorry I misspoke on several occasions. I didn't mean to say ________ and it has nothing to do with my character or ability to carry out my responsibilities." Somehow the word "misspoke" has become the acceptable way to say "I lied!"
Political agendas can no longer be evaluated based on what a politician says. Actually, the opposite has become true. What they don't say is more likely the truth!
So, where does this leave you and I? When people are calling evil good and good evil, how are we to know who to believe? Only one way is possible and it's not our belief system, our experiences or our preferences. It is God's standards and guidelines presented in the Holy Bible.
This continual best-selling Book contains the only time-enduring truth. It is the operation manual for mankind. Not a Word has ever been proven wrong! Supported by the works of historians, archeologists and even skeptics, it is the inspired Word of God.
Any behavior or speech that does not line up with the Word of God is based on a lie, no matter whether it is from a politician, minister, business leader or from you or me! It is only when we read, study and meditate on Biblical Scriptures that we can know the truth.
Only by knowing the Truth can we truly be free to live our lives ethically, morally and be an example for others to follow. We don't have to be perfect, no one is. We simply have to know God and His plan for our lives. That plan was demonstrated by His Son, Jesus Christ. There is no other Way!
Spiritual darkness is covering the earth. The Bible tells us the Light in us will push back and even change the darkness around us. Christ in us is the Light and our Hope of Glory, even in the midst of the depravity of these times. In the Old Testament of the Bible we can read about how God sheltered His people during the plagues of Egypt. He has promised to do so again for people that believe and trust His Son, Jesus Christ.
So I ask again, are you ready?
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