Sunday, February 13, 2011

Are There Laws for Success? Join Me and See!

I'm sure if you watch the Saturday infomercials your answer to this question would be yes. At least the merchandisers of success would like us to believe they have the secrets to success!

The truth is laws for success were established in the earth thousands of years ago. These laws for success parallel natural and scientific laws that operate on the earth such as gravity, seasons for planting and harvesting and even thermodynamics just to name a few. One does not have to believe in these natural laws for them to work. They just do!

The natural laws for success are documented in the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. People of many faiths, and some with no faith at all, have obeyed these laws and found success in many areas of their lives.
These natural laws for success are the foundation of all ethics, in our personal lives and in our work. During 2011, we'll explore these laws and their applications.

To begin, here are the purposes of the Book of Proverbs in chapter one, verses two through five:

Vs. 2: To know wisdom and instruction, To perceive the words of understanding, Vs. 3: To receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and equity; Vs. 4: To give prudence to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion-- Vs. 5: A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel, .....

Two of the key ingredients mentioned here are knowledge and wisdom. In reality, one is not the other! Knowledge is a system of truth and wisdom is the application of the system. Join me over the next few months as we explore these natural laws for success!

1 comment:

  1. Knowledge and wisdom, two crucial elements in the Christain walk, thanks for sharing:)
