As bystanders to the political debate over health care, whose words do we accept as true? A barrage of disingenuous television ads, newspaper articles and unsolicited emails attempt to sway us to a person's or a party's way of thinking. Misinformation, claims without supporting facts and blatant lies cloud a clear understanding of the facts. How do we know who is telling the truth and who isn't?
Biblical principles tell us to judge a person by their fruit, whether it's good or it's bad. In some cases, that is easy; in others, it's not! In politics, most fruit is hybrid. As it grew from a pure blossom to eatable fruit, it was contaminated by compromise, personal agendas and even corruption. In fact, one might conclude there is no longer any such thing as good political fruit!
I'm going out on a limb to submit there is only one valid set of standards to measure the words of another. Those are the standards of the creator of heaven, earth and all that is within them. I'm sure some will say, "I don't believe in God." To them I'd respond, it doesn't matter what you believe about God.
While documented in the Holy Bible, the life of person Jesus the Nazarene was also documented by many Jewish historians that lived during his time. To born-again Christians, Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, Lord and Savior of their lives. He lived his life to demonstrate God's principles of truth. Whether or not one believes in God, the life and behavior of the historical Jesus demonstrates standards of right living. His life demonstrates truth and is the only absolute standard one can use to determine truth.
So, here it is. If any person, government official, politician, news reporter, corporate leader, president, congressperson, senator, preacher, friend or foe, speaks words or takes actions that are contrary to the documented life of Jesus, they are not truth and should not be accepted or tolerated. In a court of law, a witness is required to swear his/her testimony is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God! Anything short of that is a lie, spoken by a liar! Whose report will you believe?
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