If it's not broken, don't fix it! Too often I'm happy with the ways I've always done things. I'm usually proactive in my approach to business but my ways of doing things are often rooted in tradition...mine!
On the DISC behavioral profile, I'm a high D and a high C, i.e., highly dominate and highly compliant (rules oriented). Once I adopt a way of doing a thing, I frequently repeat the behavior routinely without thinking. This is both good and not so good.
My behavioral style is good because I make decisions easily and accomplish tasks quickly. It's not so good because I'm often insensitive to the thoughts and needs of others. In other words, they way I've always done things works for me but it may not work for others. My ways may even hurt or offend others.
Good interpersonal skills will always put the needs of other persons first. This requires us to step out of our normal behavior patterns and to become "others centered." To become more effective leaders, we need to think about the needs and objectives of others before we act or speak. When we approach our jobs and relationships in this way, our old ways will rarely impair our success. What do you think?
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