Changing Direction
If you've read any of my blogs in the past, you know it's been some time since I've posted, over a year in fact. For business, government, politics, and even religion, it seemed integrity and honesty was becoming something we just talked about but did not practice in the real world. The possibility of my contributions in this blog changing the direction of our society seemed slim to none. So, I stopped writing.
Today I received a comment from a person that read one of my previous blogs and acknowledged the benefit of the principle it communicated. The story of a small boy on a beach came to my mind. A storm surge had pushed tens of thousands of starfish high on the beach. The young boy was scurrying around picking up starfish and throwing them back into the water. An adult stood watching him for a few minutes and finally said to him, "Son, there are too many of them. You'll never make a difference." The boy stopped for a moment and then replied, "Mister, it will make a difference for those I throw back!"
So, I'm back, but I'm back with a difference. In the past, I endeavored not to mention the names of persons demonstrating weak character and lack of integrity. Today our nation, along with the rest of the world, hangs in the balance of going the way set by our forefathers or literally collapsing into a cesspool of unrighteousness and lack of integrity. For the immediate future at least, this blog will speak to the declining ethical state of our nation, even to those perpetrating it. While my focus will still be on the value of ethics in achieving success, I'll illustrate the lack of such ethics by focusing on current actions by leaders in government, business and religion.
My purpose is less to criticize than it is to call for accountability. The Holy Bible, both the Old and New Testaments instructs mankind to abhor evil and to hold onto what is good. I plan to speak against evil. I don't plan, however, to look at the speck in others' eyes and disregard the plank in mine. However, I'm human and I may. So I'm asking readers to share comments to these blogs in the way I intend to write them, as honestly as possible. If you are like me, I'm tired of differences of opinion and beliefs generating responses of hatred and division. I'm after dialog that can produce positive change, even if it's one starfish at a time! Join me won't you!
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