With the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 came the requirement for publicly-held companies to establish and communicate a code of conduct for their businesses. Most professions, like the CPA profession, have had codes of conduct for decades. Many governmental entities and their employees are required by law to adhere to certain ethical practices. Listening to the daily news, however, may cause us to wonder if any of these codes of conduct work! In this blog and several to follow, I'll discuss this important issue.
In past blogs, I've discussed the impact of heart issues on our behavior. If the life experiences stored in our hearts lead us to unethical or even criminal behavior, a code of conduct probably won't change us. On the other hand if we are unaware of acceptable standards of behavior, the framework of such a code may help us discern right from wrong.
Perhaps a more important issue affecting the results of establishing a code of conduct are its underlying principles. Are they created by man for the benefit of man or are the principles rooted in a stronger power? In other words, are the principles based on man's standards or are they God's? Whether we believe in God or not, many business leaders have learned that principles demonstrated by the historical life of Jesus Christ are highly effective in business. A book written by a well-known business consultant, Laurie Beth Jones, entitled Jesus, CEO--Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership, is an excellent source of study if you are interested.
In this series of blogs, I'll present components of a business code of conduct based on God's standards from the Holy Bible. Many of these principles have been incorporated in the business practices of small and large businesses; they are the foundation of ethics for success! Come follow me on this journey!
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