Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Has Right Become Wrong?

You've undoubtedly seen, heard or read the media feeding frenzy over the resignation of Gov. Sarah Palin. An NBC interviewer last evening used her pre-designed questions, facial expressions and demeanor to paint the governor as a quitter at the end of her political career. Finally, Gov. Palin said, "You're not listening to me," as she explained again her reasons for leaving office. At the top of the list was her desire not to burden the people of the State of Alaska with the time and cost of defending herself against unfounded, outrageous allegations. She explained she could not do her job effectively and deal with the piranha attacks at the same time. Putting aside her future possibilities she has made a decision to do the right thing, even to her own hurt!

Contrast this with President Obama who, during his first term in the Senate, spent most of his time campaigning for president instead of fulfilling his sworn duties of office. I don't remember him offering to reimburse you and I for the amount of the salary he received while pursuing his presidential aspirations. Was there a media outcry over this misuse of public funds? Of course not! When an unethical practice has become the norm, no one notices. When someone does the right thing, it is an abomination!

Proverbs 14:12: "There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." So, what do you think? Has right become wrong?

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